With a population of well over 30,000 and a large living market, Liverpool City Centre lends itself to some appealing opportunities for buy-to-let landlords.
L1, right in the middle of the city centre, has seen an 86% increase in values in the past five years. It’s a stunning level of growth that has been aided by the regeneration and development of some of the city’s busiest and most important areas
The city centre sees period conversions as well several new build blocks of flats, with plenty more under planning and construction. Students are increasingly being attracted to live in the city centre housing, and it is common to find purpose built student accommodation opportunities.
The Times hailed The Georgian Quarter as one of the best places to live in the UK, praising its gorgeous townhouses from the Georgian Period. Meanwhile, Ropewalks and Baltic Triangle areas boast waterfront views and prove to be very popular for lettings.
If you head east of the city centre through Kensington and Fairfield (L7) you'll find strong rental yields, convenient proximity to the city centre, historical landmarks, and massive growth potential.
East of this is another area that investors should take interest in - the up and coming Old Swan area (L13). In Recent years it has attracting a great deal of first-time buyers with it's several amenities and affordable house prices.
If you'd like to learn more about investing in Liverpool, the strategies that work well here, and how they can meet your investment goals, get in contact with the team today.
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